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Are There Any Exceptions in Minnesota Where People Under the She of 21

Minnesota State Seal

Minnesota Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws

Carry allowed with my Minnesota permit?



Yes, Selected State(s)

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Summary of Minnesota Gun Laws

Minnesota gun laws operate, generally, on a shall-issue policy (a sheriff has limited discretion to deny a permit to carry only if there is a "substantial likelihood" that the applicant would be a danger to herself, himself or others if authorized to carry a handgun). Permits are issued at the local level by the Sheriff's office in the applicant's county of residence.

There is no permit, background check or firearm registration required when buying a handgun from a private individual.

Both open carry and concealed carry are legal with a Minnesota Permit to Carry a Pistol (PCP) or a permit from a state Minnesota honors, as there is no stipulation in the law regarding whether that weapon must be concealed. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and complete a firearms training course. Resident and non-resident permits are available. Non-residents can apply at any sheriff's office. Permits are not required for transporting a firearm, keeping it at home or keeping it in a place of business. In terms of reciprocity, Minnesota will honor permits from states with similar requirements.


In terms of self-defense, Minnesota law imposes a duty to retreat, which means that if a person feels threatened, he or she may only use deadly force as a last resort. Although Minnesota doesn't have a Castle Doctrine law per se, it does recognize the principles of the doctrine because Minnesota law allows a person to use deadly force if the individual reasonably believes that the person or another person is at risk of great bodily harm or death or to prevent a felony from occurring in the person's home.

Authorized Use of Force
Reasonable force may be used when the following circumstances exist or the actor reasonably believes them to exist, in part:

  • When used by any person in resisting or aiding another to resist an offense against the person;
  • When used by any person in lawful possession of real or personal property, in resisting a trespass upon or other unlawful interference with such property;
  • When used by a parent, guardian, teacher or other lawful custodian of a child or pupil, in the exercise of lawful authority, to restrain or correct such child or pupil;
  • When used by a school employee or school bus driver, in the exercise of lawful authority, to restrain a child or pupil, or to prevent bodily harm or death to another; or
  • When used by a common carrier in expelling a passenger who refuses to obey a lawful requirement for the conduct of passengers and reasonable care is exercised with regard to the passenger's personal safety.

Justifiable Taking of Life
The intentional taking of the life of another is only legal if necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.

[Minn. Stat. §§ 609.06 & 609.065]

Minnesota Gun Laws at a Glance

Carry Basics

Constitutional Carry?

Does Minnesota allow constitutional carry?

No. Minnesota does not allow constitutional carry.

Open Carry Permitted?

Is open carry permitted in Minnesota?

Yes. Open carry is only with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Subd. 1a]

Gun Permit Licensure?

If Minnesota requires a permit to carry a concealed firearm, how are those permits issued?

Minnesota gun laws operate, generally, on a shall-issue policy (a sheriff has limited discretion to deny a permit to carry only if there is a "substantial likelihood" that the applicant would be a danger to herself, himself or others if authorized to carry a handgun).

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714]

Minimum Age for Concealed Carry?

What is the minimum age in Minnesota to get a concealed carry permit?

You must be at least 21 years old to get a concealed carry permit in

Weapons Other Than Handguns Allowed?

Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Minnesota with a concealed carry permit (or under permitless carry if applicable)?

No. A concealed carry permit does not allow you to carry weapons other than handguns.

Tasers or Stun Guns?

Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Minnesota?

Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess without a permit, but a background check is required. A person may possess and use an electronic incapacitation device in the exercise of reasonable force in defense of the person or the person's property only if the electronic incapacitation device is labeled with or accompanied by clearly written instructions as to its use and the dangers involved in its use

[Minn. Stat. 624.731].

Chemical Spray/Pepper Spray?

Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Minnesota?

Yes, a person may possess and use an authorized tear gas compound in the legal exercise of reasonable force in defense of the person or the person's property only if it is propelled from an aerosol container. No person under the age of 16 may possess or use an authorized tear gas compound except by written permission of a parent or guardian.

Minnesota Statutes define "authorized tear gas compound" as a lachrymator or any substance composed of a mixture of a lachrymator including chloroacetophenone, alpha-chloroacetophenone; phenylchloromethylketone, orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile or oleoresin capsicum, commonly known as tear gas; and written instructions as to its use and the dangers involved in its use.

[Minn. Stat. 624.731]


Does Minnesota have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns?

No. Minnesota does not have magazine capacity restrictions.


Does Minnesota have ammunition restrictions?

Yes. Metal-penetrating bullets cannot be used during the commission of a crime.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.7191, subd. 3]

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Carry Locations

Carry in Vehicle?

Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Minnesota?

Yes, with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes. Otherwise it must be unloaded and either in the closed trunk or in a closed and fastened case, gunbox or securely tied package.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Subd. 9(5)][Minn. Stat. § 97B.045]

Carry at Roadside Rest Areas?

Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Minnesota?

A loaded handgun may be carried only with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes.​

[Minn. Stat. § 97B.045]

Carry in State/National Parks, State/National Forests and Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)?

Can you carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forests and Wildlife Management Areas in Minnesota?

Yes, with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes. Except firearms are not allowed on the Bayport WMA in Washington County, the Hastings WMA in Dakota County, and the Raguet WMA in Scott and Carver Counties. See the National Parks webpag e for links to each Park in Minnesota.

Without a permit, firearms on state park or forest lands must be unloaded and cased and bows unstrung when in, or within 200 feet of, any campground, picnic area, beach, parking lot, interpretive site or trailhead.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714,][6230.0200 Subp. 4 MN Admin Rules][6100.0800 Subd. 1 MN Admin Rules][6100.3600 MN Admin Rules][Minn. Stat. § 324.504(8)]

Carry in Bars/Restaurants That Serve Alcohol?

Can you carry a concealed firearm in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol in Minnesota?

Yes, there is no statute making it illegal to concealed carry with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes in a bar or restaurant, unless posted, and provided you are not under the influence ("under the influence" is defined as >0.04 blood alcohol level).

Carry/Possess at a hotel?

Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Minnesota?

An innkeeper may refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodations to any person the innkeeper reasonably believes is bringing firearms into the hotel. The individual hotel should be contacted to inquire about it's concealed carry policy. See the Handguns at Hotels page for additional information.

[ Minn. Stat. § 327.73, subd. 2(a)(3) ]

Store in a Vehicle in an Employee Parking Lot?

Does Minnesota have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot?

An employer or a postsecondary institution may not prohibit the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a parking facility or parking area.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Subd. 18.]

Key State Laws

Duty to Inform Officer You're Carrying?

Do you have a duty to notify a police officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in Minnesota?

There is no duty to inform a law enforcement officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in Minnesota unless the officer asks.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Subd 1b]


Is my Minnesota driver's license linked to my Minnesota carry permit?

Yes. Your Minnesota driver's license is linked to your Minnesota pistol carry permit. Therefore, a law enforcement officer will be notified immediately that you are a concealed carry permit holder if they run your driver's license.

"No Weapons Allowed" Signs Enforced?

Are "No Weapons Allowed" signs enforced in Minnesota? If yes, violating the sign would be considered to be a crime. If no, violating the sign would not be considered a criminal offense.

No. It is considered a petty misdemeanor if a reasonable request is made that firearms not be brought into the establishment or if a conspicuous sign is prominently posted at every entrance and there is a refusal to leave.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714 Subd.17(a)]


Does Minnesota have preemption laws related to concealed carry (i.e. Does state law supersede local laws regarding the possession of handguns)?

Yes. There is full state preemption of all gun laws, except that local governments may regulate the discharge of firearms. In addition, according to statue, a person may sue a government official personally, and seek damages and attorney fees, for allegedly violating the state's preemption statute.

[Minn. Stat. § 471.633][Minn. Stat. § 624.717][Minn. Stat. § 624.7192(e)]


Does Minnesota state law define brandishing?

No definition of brandishing was found in Minnesota law. However, recklessly handling or using a gun so as to endanger the safety of another, or intentionally pointing a gun, whether loaded or unloaded, at another person is considered a crime.

[Minn. Stat. § 609.66]

Red Flag Law?

Does Minnesota have a red flag law?

No. Minnesota does not have a red flag law.

Carry While Using Alcohol or a Controlled Substance?

Does Minnesota have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or a controlled substance?

Carry is prohibited while in a public place in any of these situations:

  • When a person is under the influence of a controlled substance, as defined in Minn. Stat.§ ​152.01;
  • When a person is under the influence of a combination of any two or more of the elements named in Minn. Stat.§ ​152.01 and/or alcohol;
  • When a person is under the influence of an intoxicating substance as defined in Minn. Stat. §169A.03, and the person knows or has reason to know that the substance has the capacity to cause impairment;
  • When a person is under the influence of alcohol;
  • When the person's alcohol concentration is 0.04 or more.

[Minn. Stat. § 624.7142]

As a responsibly armed American, regardless of the laws in your state, it is unwise to carry while under the influence of any substance that could impair your judgement, slow your reaction times, or impact your decision-making abilities. Any decision you make while carrying a firearm could have life-altering consequences.


Does Minnesota issue concealed carry permits to non-residents?

Yes. Non-residents may apply for permits following the same process as Minnesota residents.


Does Minnesota allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law?

No, however, the information is available for law enforcement.

Handgun Purchase & Possession

Purchase Permits?

Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Minnesota?

Anyone acquiring a handgun through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) must  have a Minnesota Permit to Carry a Pistol or a Permit to Purchase/Transfer a Firearm. A permit to carry is valid for five years and authorizes unlimited purchases within that time period. Without one of those permits, the FFL must perform a background check.

Background Checks for Private Gun Sales?

Are background checks required for private gun sales in Minnesota?

No. There is no provision that requires background checks for firearms transfers between private individuals, provided the transferor has no reason to believe the transferee is not eligible under state law to possess a firearm. In addition, a transferor may be found criminally liable if the firearm purchaser uses the firearm within one year after the transfer in furtherance of a felony crime of violence, and:

  • The transferee was prohibited from possessing the weapon under Minnesota law at the time of the transfer; or
  • It was reasonably foreseeable at the time of the transfer that the transferee was likely to use or possess the weapon in furtherance of a felony crime of violence.

[Minn. Stat. §§ 624.7132(12)(1), 624.7141 and 609.66, subd. 1f]

Minnesota Permit Exempts from Background Check?

Does my current Minnesota concealed carry permit exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase a firearm?


Waiting Period?

Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Minnesota?

There is no waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Minnesota with a permit or a Permit to Purchase/Transfer. Without one of those permits, upon the purchase of a handgun from a FFL, there is a five- to seven-day waiting period (unless the chief of police or sheriff waives all or a portion of the waiting period).

[Minn. Stat. § 624.7132]

Handgun Registration?

Do handguns need to be registered in Minnesota?

No. Handguns do not need to be registered in Minnesota.

Minimum Age to Possess and Transport?

What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in Minnesota?

18 years old.

[Minn. Stat. 624.713]

Possess a handgun on my private property without a permit?

Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home without a permit?

Yes. A permit is not required for anyone legally entitled to carry a firearm, to keep or carry a firearm at a business, dwelling house, premises or on land possessed by the person. A landlord cannot restrict the lawful carry or possession of firearms by tenants or their guests.

[ Minn. Stat. § 624.714, subd. 9 and subd. 17(f) ]

Handgun Purchase Process
To buy or transfer ownership of a firearm in Minnesota, you must have a Minnesota Permit to Carry a Pistol or a Permit to Purchase/Transfer a Firearm.

The application for a Permit to Purchase/Transfer a Firearm must be submitted in person to your local police chief or county sheriff's office. You must also present your Minnesota driver's license or state-issued photo ID.

After your application has been submitted, your local police chief or county sheriff's office will run a background check. Generally this process takes 7 days to complete. Upon clearing the background check, you will be issued a Permit to Purchase/Transfer a Firearm through the mail, which will be valid for 1 year from the date it is issued.

For single-purchase transactions, many gun shops in the state will allow you to apply for a permit to purchase directly at the store. You will still be required to pass a background check before making a purchase. A gun shop may charge for this service. Not every gun shop in the state will process permit applications, per their own discretion.

Related Blog Posts

Basic Concealed Carry Laws: Minnesota

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State Constitutional Provision

Government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of the people, in whom all political power is inherent, together with the right to alter, modify or reform government whenever required by the public good. -Article 1, Section 1"


Minnesota Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States

Which states' permits does Minnesota honor?

Idaho (Enhanced permits only)

North Dakota (Class 1 permits only and at least 21 years old)

South Dakota (Enhanced permits only and at least 21 years old)

Under Minnesota law, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is required to publish a list of states which have handgun carry permit laws that arenotsimilar to Minnesota's permit-to-carry law [624.714 Subd. 16]. The minimum age is 21 years old. All state permits not on this list are valid if the permit holder is not prohibited from possessing a firearm.

Other States' Reciprocity With Minnesota

Which states honor permits from Minnesota?

Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Idaho (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Montana (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Vermont (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Note: Firearms must be carried in accordance with the laws of the state you are visiting. Be sure to check the laws of the other state before traveling there with your firearms.

States That Have Restricted Reciprocity with Minnesota

Minnesota offers resident and non-resident permits. "Resident only" indicates the states below only honor Minnesota resident permits (and not those issued to non-residents).

Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Maine (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Missouri (permitless carry, at least 19 years old, 18 for military)

Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Texas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Utah (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

West Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Permitless Carry States

Maine (permits recognized; see Maine Reciprocity section for details or PC-21)

*PC-18 = permitless carry if at least 18 years old

*PC-21 = permitless carry if at least 21 years old

Permitless carry includes constitutional carry states as well as states where an individual must meet certain qualifications, e.g., no DUIs in the last 10 years, in order to legally carry (Tennessee). Each state determines the requirements and any limitations on the carry of firearms. Check each state's page for more information and any restrictions that may apply.

Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit Information


An applicant must:

  • Be at least 21 years of age;
  • Complete an application form;
  • Not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota law;
  • Not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system;
  • Be a resident of the county from which he or she is requesting a permit, if he or she resides in Minnesota (Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff.);
  • Provide certificate of completed authorized firearms training; and
  • Meet federal law requirements.

*Consult with an attorney if you have any questions about your eligibility. If you don't have an attorney, you can find one by contacting the State Bar of Minnesota.


New permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100.

Renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75.

Valid For:

5 years

Processing Time:

30 days


Link to application

Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permits:

Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff by following the process below.

Name/Address Changes:

Within 30 days after changing permanent address, the permit holder must notify the issuing Sheriff's office of the change, loss or destruction. Failure to do so is a petty misdemeanor. The permit holder may obtain an updated permit at a cost of $10.

Lost/Stolen Permits:

Within 30 days of having lost or destroyed the permit card, the permit holder must notify the issuing sheriff's office of the loss or destruction. The permit holder must provide a notarized statement that the card has been lost or destroyed. Failure to provide notification as required is a petty misdemeanor. The permit holder may obtain a replacement permit card by paying $10 to the sheriff.

Residency Changes:

Moving to Minnesota and interested in applying for a resident permit? How soon can you apply?
Minnesota issues resident and non-resident permits, so you can apply for your permit at any time. In order to apply for a resident permit, you may need to provide a Minnesota driver's license or state ID.

Moving from Minnesota and have a Minnesota resident permit? Does that permit transfer to your new state? Is there a grace period during which your Minnesota permit remains valid?
If a person with a Minnesota permit to concealed carry establishes residency in another state, the permit is valid until it expires provided he or she submits the above referenced name/address change form.

Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit Application Process

How to Apply for a Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit

Step 1:

Complete a firearms training course within 1 year of your application.

Step 2:
Step 3:

Submit the following documents to the sheriff's office for the county in which you reside (non-residents must apply in-person to any Minnesota county sheriff):

  • Completed application form;
  • Photocopy of certificate from firearms course; and
  • Photocopy of your driver's license or state ID card or photo page of your passport.

Pay the fee.

Step 4:

You will be notified if your application has been approved.

Under Minnesota law, individuals must obtain a permit to carry a handgun in public. There is no stipulation in the law regarding whether that weapon must be concealed. A permit to carry constitutes a permit to purchase. A permit to carry is valid for five years and authorizes unlimited purchases within that time period.

Firearms Training Requirements in Minnesota

Minnesota statutes require permit applicants to present evidence of having received training from a certified instructor in the safe use of a handgun within 1 year of an original application as well as a renewal. Firearms training must include:

  • Instruction in the fundamentals of pistol use;
  • Successful completion of an actual shooting qualification exercise; and
  • Instruction in the fundamental legal aspects of pistol possession, carry and use, including self-defense and the restrictions on the use of deadly force.

Although members of the military receive superb firearms training, they must receive training from an instructor that has been certified by an approved business organization in Minnesota. This additional training pertains to the legal aspects of "permit to carry issues". Military members can contact their local sheriff's office for further clarification and consideration.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety maintains a list of certified firearms instructors. It is not available online.

Find a USCCA Certified Instructor or Firearms Training Class Near You

Take a Firearms Training Class or a Concealed Carry Class in Minnesota.

Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit Renewal Process

How to Renew a Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit

Step 1:

Renewals are the responsibility of the permittee. Permit holders may renew their permit beginning 90 days prior to the expiration date of the current permit. After the expiration date, but within 30 days after the expiration, you can renew your permit by paying an additional late fee of $10. 31 days after expiration, you will no longer be able to renew your permit, but will have to apply for a new gun permit. ​For late renewals, it is important to note that your expired permit is not valid until you receive your new card.

Step 2:

Complete your firearm training course within one year of renewal.

Step 3:

Download the application or pick up from the county clerk's office.

Step 4:

Go to the county clerk's office of the county in which you reside, or for out of state permit holders, to any Sheriff's Department in the State of Minnesota and sign the application under oath. Include the following documents:

  • Training certificate; and
  • A copy of your current driver's license, state identification card or the photo page of your passport (not a U.S. citizen but permanent resident must present an I-551 or I-151 card).

Pay the fee. The county clerk will provide a receipt for payment of fees.

Step 5:

The county clerk shall issue a license or notice of statutory disqualification within 45 days after the date the applicant has classifiable fingerprints taken.

Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)/Retired LEOs

Law enforcement officers (LEOs) and Retired LEOs (RLEOs) may choose to carry under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), often referred to as HR 218. Under 18 U.S. Code §§ 926B & 926C, qualified LEOs and qualified retired LEOs, or those separated from service in good standing, can carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with some exceptions. For details, check out our Federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) page.

Minnesota retired or separated officers have two options to qualify under LEOSA:

  • The "Home agency" issues a photo ID and documentation of annual firearms training (a card or completed one‐page LEOSA application form); or
  • The "Home agency" issues a photo ID, the officer qualifies at another agency or private gun range and the certified instructor provides documentation of annual firearms training.


LEOSA Qualifications form instructions
LEOSA qualification form

Minnesota Location Restrictions

Where Can I Carry a Concealed Firearm in Minnesota?
  • Carry in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol? Yes, unless posted AND provided you are not under the influence.
  • Carry in my vehicle without a permit/license? No.
  • Carry in roadside rest areas?Yes, with a permit.
  • Carry inState parks, forest recreation areas and wildlife management areas? Yes.Except the following WMAs; The Bayport WMA, the Hastings WMA, and the Raguet WMA.
  • Carry when traveling by private plane?Yes.
  • Carry in places of worship? Minnesota courts have ruled that a church may prohibit firearms from its property, including parking facilities and parking areas owned or operated by the church, and may notify its employees and the public in any manner it chooses.
Where Can't I Carry a Concealed Firearm in Minnesota?

Places off-limits even with a permit/license

  • Public or private elementary, middle or secondary school building and grounds;
  • School buses;
  • Portion of a building or facility under the temporary, exclusive control of a public or private school where signs are posted;

[Minn. Stat. § 609.66]

  • State correctional facilities;
  • State hospitals and grounds;
  • Private establishments that have posted a sign banning guns on their premises;
  • Places of employment, public or private, if employer restricts the carry or possession of firearms by its employees;

[Minn. Stat. § 624.714];

  • A child care center while children are present [Minn. Admin. Rule 9502.0435 Subp. 5];
  • Any public place when under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance or any combination thereof [Minn. Stat. § 624.7142];
  • Minnesota Zoological Garden [Minn. Admin. Rule 9900.5500];
  • Innkeepers may refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodations to any person the innkeeper reasonably believes is bringing firearms into the hotel [Minn. Stat. § 327.73];
  • State game refuges [Minn. Stat. § 327.73];
  • The Bayport WMA in Washington County, the Hastings WMA in Dakota County, and the Raguet WMA in Scott and Carver Counties [Minn. Admin. Rule 6230.0200 Subp. 4];
  • Any jail, lockup or correctional facility [Minn. Stat. § 327.73];
  • Minnesota courts have ruled that a church may prohibit firearms from its property, including parking facilities and parking areas owned or operated by the church, and may notify its employees and the public in any manner it chooses; and
  • Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law or state law or regulation.

FAQ: Minnesota Concealed Carry Questions

What Are the Knife Laws in Minnesota?

Only switchblades are illegal. Knives with utility purposes are legal to carry. Knives that can be used as weapons are legal to carry as long as you do not have intent to harm others. It is illegal to recklessly use a knife that was designed to be a weapon. Dangerous weapons are banned in schools, school buses, courthouses and the State Capitol buildings.

[Minn. Stat. §§ 609.02, 609.66]


I can legally carry a concealed firearm in Minnesota, but can I wear a COVID 19 protective mask while carrying concealed?

Although Minnesota Statute makes it illegal to wear a mask with the intention to conceal one's identity , Benton County Sheriff Troy Heck has stated that under this statute, it is legal to wear a mask for medical treatment, and that would extend to wearing one to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

[Minn. Stat. § 609.735]


Can you concealed carry while shotgun/rifle hunting in Minnesota?


Can you concealed carry while bow hunting in Minnesota?

Yes, with a Minnesota license to carry or a permit from a state Minnesota recognizes.


Is there a Hunter Harassment Law in Minnesota?

Yes. A person who has the intent to prevent or disrupt another person from taking or preparing to take a wild animal or enjoyment of the out-of-doors must not disturb or interfere with that person if that person is lawfully taking or preparing to take a wild animal. "Preparing to take a wild animal" includes travel, camping, and other acts that occur on land or water where the affected person has the right or privilege to take lawfully a wild animal.

[Minn. Stat. § 97A.037]

Minnesota Gun Laws Updates:

Date Details

Added info on driver's license link to permit in At A Glance table


Added info on handguns on rental property in At A Glance table


Updated can't carry locations


Added information on Self Defense in the Summary


Added information on wearing a COVID 19 mask while carrying concealed above the Summary


Added link to National Parks to At A Glance table


Added info and statutory links for ammunition restrictions in At A Glance table


Added info on handguns at hotels in At A Glance table


Added info on handguns on private property in At A Glance table


Added statutory link and details on private gun sales in At A Glance table


Added info on carry in bars to the At A Glance table


Added related blog posts with links


Added info regarding residency changes and resulting impacts on carry permits


Updated the knife laws and added statutory references


Updated info on carry while using alcohol or controlled substances in At A Glance table


Added info on handgun purchase process in At A Glance table


Added info on whether a valid state ccw permit exempts a person from needing a background check when purchasing a firearm to the At A Glance table


Added statutory references and links for can't carry locations


Added brandishing info to At A Glance table


Added Hunter Harassment info to At A Glance table


Added Chemical Spray/Pepper Spray to the At A Glance table


Added Carry While Hunting info to At A Glance table


Added anchor links to various sections below the Summary


Added minimum age to possess and transport a handgun to At A Glance table


Added stun gun/Taser info to At A Glance table


Added permit renewal and name/address change info


Links checked


Corrected State & National park carry to no in At A Glance table and Where I Can't Carry sections


Added info on state implementation of Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA)


Added pages for Federal Gun Laws, Traveling with Firearms & Terminology


Added ammunition restrictions to At A Glance table


Added red flag law info to At A Glance table


Added church carry info to location restrictions section


Links checked


Added info about alcohol or prescription medication in At A Glance table


Mag limit added to At A Glance table


Added reciprocity details for WV

Did We Miss Something?

Here at the USCCA, it is our mission to provide responsible gun owners with the tools they need to be educated and trained. Our team is constantly working to provide you with the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of self-defense laws available for every state.

If you have any questions that you don't see answered here — let us know! Just email [email protected] and we will be sure to get your question resolved. Your feedback matters to us, and we appreciate you helping to make this page the best possible resource for responsible gun owners!

Permit numbers were obtained from the Crime Prevention Resource Center's publication entitled, "Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States." Numbers include resident and non-resident permits for those states that issue both.

The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community, and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.

If you have any questions regarding USCCA Membership, Delta Defense, handguns laws or the lawful process of carrying concealed, please contact the award-winning Delta Defense Customer Engagement Team .

Are There Any Exceptions in Minnesota Where People Under the She of 21
