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Countries Where Abortion Is Illegal World Population Review

Countries Where Ballgame Is Illegal 2022

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Abortion, the process of prematurely terminating a pregnancy through surgical means, has always been a controversial subject. Ballgame is a deeply personal matter, and our opinions on information technology are formed by our most key moral, emotional, religious, political, and upstanding beliefs. Abortion involves both the potential mother'due south right to bodily autonomy (and health) and the unborn child's right to life—two inalienable rights that abortion sets against i some other. Because of these factors and more, ballgame laws vary significantly between nations.

The undeniable (though understandable) complexity of abortion laws

Laws regarding abortion are diverse. As of 2021, there are twenty-four countries in which abortion is illegal in whatever and all circumstances. However, about countries have adopted a more nuanced arroyo. Nearly every land in which abortion is legal has what is known as a gestational limit, which means a fetus or embryo can be aborted early in the pregnancy, but cannot be aborted in one case it reaches a sure stage of development. This is typically 12 weeks, but may be as depression every bit 6 weeks or as high as 24 weeks. Abortion may also be legal in cases in which the pregnancy is the result of rape, incest, or if the fetus has a noticeable developmental impairment. In some countries (particularly in Asia, where male children tend to be valued more than than female children) gender-based abortion is legal.

The female parent's health factors into the equation besides. In 37 countries, ballgame is illegal unless it saves the female parent's life. In other countries, it is illegal unless used to save the mother's life or preserve her health during pregnancy. An instance of this situation is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo fails to implant in the uterus and instead implants in a unlike organ (fallopian tubes, ovaries) or simply exterior the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be carried to term—the embryo cannot survive outside the uterus—and have a high probability of causing fatal injuries to the female parent as well if not aborted.

Finances are another important variable. Some countries' abortion laws allow abortion if carrying the pregnancy to term would inflict unreasonable socioeconomic hardship on the mother. Studies take shown that women denied admission to abortion are markedly more likely to descend into poverty as a result of the added financial burden of caring for an additional child.

Finally, in that location are countless boosted guidelines to many countries' ballgame laws, such as requiring parental/spousal consent (or a police report in cases of rape), restricting access to methods of determining the sex activity of the fetus, or requiring the pregnant woman to start view an ultrasound or listen for a fetal heartbeat.

Countries in which abortion is completely illegal/prohibited:

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Congo-brazzaville, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and Due west Banking concern & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Notation: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more consummate and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the tabular array further down the page.

The real-world impact of making abortion illegal

According to data from the Globe Health Organization (WHO), the legality of abortion across the earth actually has petty to no effect on abortion rates throughout the world. Legal or not, abortions can, volition, and do accept place. The legality of ballgame, however, does affect how safe those abortions are. Women who do not take access to a legal abortion frequently turn to illegal or "bootleg" abortion options, which are typically much riskier, more dangerous, and less effective than legal options conducted by professional doctors in a clinical setting would be.

Abortion laws of major countries compared

The post-obit is a cursory spotlight on some of the larger countries around the earth and their respective perspectives on terminating pregnancies, laws regarding abortions to date, or bans placed on abortion throughout the years.


Latin America's largest country has not completely outlawed ballgame, but it does consider ballgame a crime in all merely a few select circumstances: When the pregnant woman was raped, when the pregnancy is the effect of incest/sexual practice with a family member, or when the adult female'southward life would exist endangered by continuing the pregnancy. These three exceptions are quite common globally and are found in many countries' abortion laws.


Abortions are legal in Canada and require no legally compelling reason (such as rape or wellness risks) so long as they take identify before the gestational limit, which ranges from 12 weeks to "24 weeks + six days" depending upon province and territory. Abortions were banned in most cases until the twelvemonth 1988, when the Canadian Supreme Courtroom reversed the laws that once made abortions illegal. Abortions fall under the services covered by Canada'southward national health care system. Provided the abortion is conducted in a regular hospital, the patient is non charged. Abortions performed in private clinics may crave the patient to pay medical costs.


Ballgame is fully legal up to the 12th week of pregnancy in Russia, too as up to 22 weeks in cases of rape and at any point if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother. Russian federation really made abortion legal for any reason in 1920, making it the offset land to do and so. Although a broad ban was reinstated in 1936, that ban was lifted in 1955 and abortion access has remained open e'er since. As of 2010, Russia led the earth in the number of abortions per capita.


Abortion was made permanently legal in the Usa by the landmark Roe v. Wade determination by the Supreme Court in 1973. Nevertheless, each state has its own set of legal guidelines for ballgame, with some being far more restrictive than others. In fact, prior to Row v Wade, 30 states had banned abortion outright, and while all 50 states have complied with the federal ruling to decriminalize abortion, many take enacted laws limiting abortion as much as legally allowed.

Moreover, Roe v Wade may before long exist overturned also. The current Supreme Court declined to block a 2021 Texas constabulary that banned abortions in all but life-threatening situations once "cardiac activity" (the precursor to a heartbeat) can be detected, which is approximately vi weeks into the pregnancy—a fourth dimension at which a woman may non yet realize they are pregnant. The police also empowers individual citizens to sue anyone they find has performed or aided an ballgame, a clause many opponents experience could spiral out of control. While the Texas law still faces an uphill legal battle, the courtroom'due south initial stance of non-interaction has been viewed by some as a sign that the court is prepared to overturn Roe v Wade in the near future.

List of countries of the world and their abortion laws:

The table below displays the general details of each country's legal stance on ballgame.

  • On Request — Abortion for any reason is legal, though gestational limits still apply.
  • Save Life — Abortion is legal when necessary to salvage the life of the woman.
  • Physical Health — Ballgame is legal when pregnancy risks significant (but not-fatal) injury to the woman.
  • Mental Health — Abortion is legal when pregnancy puts the woman's mental/emotional health at risk.
  • Rape — Abortion is legal when the pregnancy is the result of rape.
  • Incest — Abortion is legal when the pregnancy is the result of incest.
  • Cognitively Disabled — Abortion is legal when the woman is mentally or cognitively disabled.
  • Fetal Impairment — Abortion is legal when the fetus is known to have significant mental disabilities or physical malformations. As these can range from non-life-threatening conditions such as Down Syndrome to 100% fatal conditions such as anencephaly, more granular guidelines are often necessary.
  • Socioeconomic — Abortion is legal when the woman is financially unable to support the child.

Countries Where Abortion Is Illegal 2022

Country Abortion on Request 2022 Population
Afghanistan To save a woman's life 40,754,388
Republic of albania No restriction 2,866,374
People's democratic republic of algeria To preserve physical/mental wellness 45,350,148
Andorra Prohibited altogether 77,463
Angola Prohibited altogether 35,027,343
Antigua And Barbuda To relieve a woman'south life 99,509
Argentina To preserve physical wellness 46,010,234
Armenia No restriction ii,971,966
Commonwealth of australia No restriction 26,068,792
Austria No restriction 9,066,710
Republic of azerbaijan No restriction 10,300,205
Bahamas To preserve physical wellness 400,516
Bahrain No restriction 1,783,983
People's republic of bangladesh To salve a woman's life 167,885,689
Barbados To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 288,023
Belarus No restriction ix,432,800
Belgium No restriction 11,668,278
Belize To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 412,190
Benin To preserve physical health 12,784,726
Bhutan To save a woman's life 787,941
Republic of bolivia To preserve physical health 11,992,656
Bosnia And Herzegovina No restriction 3,249,317
Botswana To preserve physical/mental wellness ii,441,162
Brazil To save a woman's life 215,353,593
Bulgaria No restriction 6,844,597
Burkina Faso To preserve physical health 22,102,838
Republic of burundi To preserve concrete health 12,624,840
Cambodia No restriction 17,168,639
Cameroon To preserve physical health 27,911,548
Canada No restriction 38,388,419
Cape Verde No brake 567,678
Central African Republic To preserve physical wellness 5,016,678
Chad To preserve physical health 17,413,580
Republic of chile To save a woman's life 19,250,195
Colombia To preserve physical/mental health 51,512,762
Comoros To preserve physical health 907,419
Republic of costa rica To preserve physical health 5,182,354
Croatia No restriction 4,059,286
Cuba No brake 11,305,652
Cyprus To preserve wellness/on socioeconomic grounds 1,223,387
Czech Republic No restriction 10,736,784
Kingdom of denmark No restriction 5,834,950
Djibouti To preserve physical health ane,016,097
Dominica To save a woman'south life 72,344
Dominican Commonwealth Prohibited altogether xi,056,370
DR Congo Prohibited altogether 95,240,792
Republic of ecuador To preserve physical health 18,113,361
Egypt Prohibited altogether 106,156,692
El salvador Prohibited altogether six,550,389
Equatorial Guinea To preserve physical health ane,496,662
Eritrea To preserve physical/mental health iii,662,244
Estonia No restriction 1,321,910
Eswatini To preserve concrete/mental health i,184,817
Ethiopia To preserve physical health 120,812,698
Fiji To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 909,466
Republic of finland To preserve wellness/on socioeconomic grounds five,554,960
France No restriction 65,584,518
Gabon Prohibited birthday 2,331,533
Gambia To preserve physical/mental health 2,558,482
Germany No brake 83,883,596
Ghana To preserve concrete/mental health 32,395,450
Greece No restriction 10,316,637
Grenada To preserve concrete wellness 113,475
Republic of guatemala To save a woman'south life eighteen,584,039
Guinea To preserve physical health 13,865,691
Republic of guyana No restriction 794,045
Haiti Prohibited altogether 11,680,283
Honduras Prohibited altogether 10,221,247
Hong Kong To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds vii,604,299
Hungary No restriction 9,606,259
Iceland To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 345,393
India To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 1,406,631,776
Indonesia To salve a woman's life 279,134,505
Islamic republic of iran To save a woman's life 86,022,837
Iraq Prohibited birthday 42,164,965
Ireland To save a adult female'southward life 5,020,199
State of israel To preserve concrete/mental health 8,922,892
Italy No brake sixty,262,770
Ivory Coast To salvage a woman's life 27,742,298
Jamaica To preserve physical/mental health 2,985,094
Nihon To preserve wellness/on socioeconomic grounds 125,584,838
Jordan To preserve physical health 10,300,869
Republic of kazakhstan No restriction nineteen,205,043
Kenya To preserve physical wellness 56,215,221
Kiribati To save a woman's life 123,419
Kuwait To preserve physical wellness 4,380,326
Kyrgyzstan No restriction vi,728,271
Laos Prohibited birthday 7,481,023
Latvia No restriction ane,848,837
Lebanese republic To salvage a woman's life 6,684,849
Lesotho To preserve concrete wellness 2,175,699
Liberia To preserve physical/mental wellness 5,305,117
Libya To save a woman's life 7,040,745
Liechtenstein To preserve physical health 38,387
Republic of lithuania No restriction ii,661,708
Luxembourg No restriction 642,371
Republic of madagascar Prohibited altogether 29,178,077
Republic of malaƔi To save a woman'south life xx,180,839
Malaysia To preserve physical/mental health 33,181,072
Maldives To preserve concrete wellness 540,985
Mali To salvage a woman's life 21,473,764
Malta Prohibited altogether 444,033
Marshall islands Prohibited birthday lx,057
Mauritania Prohibited altogether 4,901,981
Mauritius To preserve concrete/mental health i,274,727
Mexico To save a woman's life 131,562,772
Micronesia Prohibited altogether 117,489
Moldova No brake 4,013,171
Monaco To preserve concrete health 39,783
Mongolia No restriction 3,378,078
Montenegro No restriction 627,950
Morocco To preserve physical health 37,772,756
Mozambique To preserve physical/mental health 33,089,461
Myanmar To salvage a woman's life 55,227,143
Namibia To preserve physical/mental wellness 2,633,874
Nauru To preserve physical/mental health ten,903
Nepal No restriction 30,225,582
Netherlands No restriction 17,211,447
New Zealand To preserve concrete/mental health 4,898,203
Nicaragua Prohibited altogether 6,779,100
Niger To preserve physical health 26,083,660
Nigeria To save a woman's life 216,746,934
North korea No restriction 25,990,679
N Macedonia No restriction 2,081,304
Norway No restriction 5,511,370
Oman To save a woman's life 5,323,993
Pakistan To preserve physical health 229,488,994
Palau Prohibited altogether 18,233
Panama To save a woman's life 4,446,964
Papua New Guinea To salve a woman's life 9,292,169
Paraguay To salvage a woman's life vii,305,843
Peru To preserve concrete health 33,684,208
Philippines Prohibited altogether 112,508,994
Poland To preserve physical health 37,739,785
Portugal No restriction x,140,570
Qatar To preserve physical health two,979,915
Congo-brazzaville Prohibited birthday 5,797,805
Romania No restriction 19,031,335
Russia No restriction 145,805,947
Rwanda To preserve concrete wellness 13,600,464
Saint Kitts And Nevis To preserve physical/mental wellness 53,871
Saint Lucia To preserve physical/mental health 185,113
Saint Vincent And the Grenadines To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 111,551
Samoa To preserve physical/mental health 202,239
San Marino Prohibited altogether 34,085
Sao Tome And Principe Prohibited birthday 227,679
Saudi Arabia To preserve physical health 35,844,909
Senegal Prohibited altogether 17,653,671
Serbia No restriction 8,653,016
Republic of seychelles To preserve physical/mental wellness 99,426
Sierra Leone To preserve concrete/mental health 8,306,436
Singapore No brake five,943,546
Slovakia No restriction 5,460,193
Slovenia No restriction ii,078,034
Solomon Islands To save a adult female'southward life 721,159
Somalia To save a adult female's life 16,841,795
Due south Africa No brake threescore,756,135
South Korea To preserve physical wellness 51,329,899
S Sudan To salvage a woman's life xi,618,511
Spain No restriction 46,719,142
Sri Lanka To salvage a adult female's life 21,575,842
Sudan To save a woman'southward life 45,992,020
Suriname Prohibited birthday 596,831
Sweden No brake 10,218,971
Switzerland No restriction eight,773,637
Syria To save a adult female's life 19,364,809
Taiwan To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 23,888,595
Tajikistan No brake 9,957,464
Tanzania To save a woman's life 63,298,550
Thailand To preserve physical/mental health 70,078,203
Timor Leste To save a woman's life 1,369,429
Togo To preserve physical health 8,680,837
Tonga Prohibited birthday 107,749
Trinidad And Tobago To preserve concrete/mental health 1,406,585
Tunisia No restriction 12,046,656
Turkey No restriction 85,561,976
Turkmenistan No restriction 6,201,943
Tuvalu To save a woman's life 12,066
Republic of uganda To save a woman's life 48,432,863
Ukraine No restriction 43,192,122
United Arab Emirates To save a adult female'southward life 10,081,785
United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland To preserve health/on socioeconomic grounds 68,497,907
United States No restriction 334,805,269
Uruguay No restriction 3,496,016
Uzbekistan No restriction 34,382,084
Vanuatu To preserve physical health 321,832
Venezuela To save a woman'southward life 29,266,991
Vietnam No restriction 98,953,541
Yemen To salve a adult female's life 31,154,867
Zambia To preserve wellness/on socioeconomic grounds nineteen,470,234
Zimbabwe To preserve concrete wellness 15,331,428

Countries Where Abortion Is Illegal 2022

  1. Globe Abortion Laws - Centre for Reproductive Rights - 2021
  2. Global Abortion Policies Database - World Wellness Organization
  3. Globe Abortion Policies (2013)
  4. Abortion Laws - Wiki
  5. Ballgame Laws: Global Comparisons - Council of Foreign Relations

