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How to Get Rid of Fluid in Ears From Allergies

Can Allergies Affect Your Ears?

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Autumn is hay fever season. There's also pollen, grass, pet dander and dust contributing to allergies. The most common symptoms are itchy and watery eyes and a stuffy nose. Can allergies affect your ears? Yes, in several ways.

Why do you have an allergic reaction?

When a foreign substance, such as pollen. causes hypersensitivity, your immune system responds by producing antibodies that release histamine. Histamines cause itching, mucus and sometimes swelling. Allergies can occur year-round, but for many people pollen and grass allergies are more likely to occur in the spring or fall.

How are your ears affected?

Our ears are made up of three parts – the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Allergic reactions can cause the outer ear to itch or swell. The middle ear contains the Eustachian tube, which acts as a drainage tube of sorts. When mucus clogs the middle ear it affects that drainage. Pressure builds, which can lead to discomfort, popping in the ears or an earache. Your middle ear may itch as well. The inner ear is filled with fluid, and if this fluid becomes infected, you may suffer dizziness, ringing in the ear or loss of balance.

Sometimes a stuffy nose and sinus pressure can radiate to the ears, causing pressure or earaches.

Some people experience a short-term hearing loss due to an allergic reaction. This is known as conductive hearing loss and usually is temporary and resolves itself when the allergies subside.

Young children commonly experience middle ear infections, which may be triggered by allergies. These infections are known as otitis media. If these occur often, a professional may recommend allergy tests.

Will allergy medicine help?

Over-the-counter allergy medications can help take care of multiple symptoms, including any allergic reactions in the ear. Antihistamines and decongestants can reduce the feeling of fullness in the ear.

Other treatments that may help with allergic reactions in the ear include a warm compress, such as a washcloth placed on the ear or prescription eardrops. Pain medication also may help an earache.

If you have an infection, your health care provider can prescribe an antibiotic.

If pressure in the ear doesn't go away or becomes painful, it's important to see a hearing care provider right away.

What is Meniere's disease?

This is an inner ear disorder that causes ringing in the ears, a feeling as if you're spinning and hearing loss that becomes progressive and finally permanent. Some medical studies connect Meniere's disease with seasonal allergies or food allergies. Allergy immunotherapy may help some patients.

Millions of people suffer from allergies, and allergies can affect the ears. Over-the-counter medications usually can help alleviate the symptoms. Sometimes an allergic reaction can lead to a short-term hearing loss, which clears when the allergies subside. If your ear health is suffering due to allergies or another reason, schedule an appointment with a hearing care provider as soon as possible to get to the bottom of it!

How to Get Rid of Fluid in Ears From Allergies
