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Chapter 14 Reading Guide Ap World History

affiliate fourteen key terms


when: early on 7th century C.E.


  • he followed his older brother into a monastery

  • he defied the empire that ordered that subjects were forbidden to travel beyond Chinese borders

    • destination was India

    • wanted to study with knowledgeable Buddhist teachers and sages to learn about Buddhism from the purest sources.

  • his guide abandoned him in the Gobi desert

  • fabricated his style to the oasis town of Turpan

    • the buddhist ruler gave him supplied to back up his mission

  • crossed 3 high mountain ranges

  • faced attacks by bandits, besides equally confrontations with demons, dragons, and evil spirits.

  • arrived in india (in 630) and stayed for 12+ years

  • when he returned home, even though he violated the ban on traveling, he received a hero's welcome and an audience with the emperor.

  • translated Buddhist treatises into Chinese and clarifying their doctrines

Sui Dynasty

who: yang zian (first emperor ) and Sui Yagndi (2d emperor)


  • military expeditions into fundamental Asia and southern China

  • by 589 the business firm of Sui ruled all of Prc

  • placed enourmous demands on their dubjects in the form of buildinga  potent, centralized government

  • ordered the construction of palaces and granaries

  • dispatched military forces to central Asia and Korea levied high taxes, and demanded compulsotory labor services.

when: 589-618 C.Eastward.

Tang Dynasty

who:  Tang Taizong


  • after the seath of Sui Yangdi, a rebel leader proclaimed himself equally emperor

  • he was ruthless

  • created extensive networks of transportation and communications

  • they allocated land according to needs

  • had a bureacuracy of merit and civil service exams

when: 618-907 C.E.

Tang Turn down

when: mid 8th century


  • casual and careless elading brought the dynasty to a crisis and information technology never recovered

  • An Lushan, a foremost military commander  mounted a rebellion and captured the capital at Chang'an (755)

    • short lived considering he was murdered by a soldier (757)

  • rebellion permit the dynasty in a weakened state

  • tang commanders couldn't defeat rebellious forces so they callled in help from the Uighurs

    • Uighurs demanded the right to the capitals after their help

  • tang never regained command of diplomacy later on the crisis

  • purple armies couldn't resist Turkish peoples  and eventually the last Tang emperor abdicated his throne and the dynasty came to an end.

Song Taizu

who: the showtime Song emperor

when: he reigned from 960-976 C.E.


  • began his career as a junior military offifcer serving 1 of the nigh powerful warlords in northern China

  • reputation for honesty and effectiveness

  • his regular army subjected the warlords to their authorisation and consolidated Song command thorughout China

  • persuaded his generals to retire honorably to a life of leisure

  • organized a centralized administration that placed military forces under tight supervision

  • regarded all state officials as servants of the majestic authorities

    • reward these officials handsomely

    • expanded the bureaucracy based on merit by creating more opportunities for individuals to seek a Confucian pedagogy and take civil service exams

  • provided generous salaries for those who qualified for government appointments

    • placed civil bureaucrats in accuse of military forces.

Song Decline


  • they had financial problems and the high salaries devoured surplus

  • military machine problems

  • extxternal pressures

  • Vocal dynasty moved to the southward

Agricultural change


  • development of fast ripening crops increased food supplies

    • found in Vietnam when they encountered strains of fast-ripening rice that enabled cultivators to harvest 2 crops per year

    • in one case it was introduced to fields in southern China, fast ripening rice quickly resulted in an expanding supply of nutrient.

  • new agricultural techniques

    • increased productivity

    • heavy iron plows

    • harnessed oxen

    • water buffalo

    • enriched the soil with manure and composted organic matter

    • extensive irrigation systems

      • extended cultivation to difficult terrains

      • expanded prc's agricultural potential

Foot binding


  • involved tightly wrapping girls feet with strips of material that prevented natural growth of bones and resulted in malformed, curved anxiety.

  • the girs could non walk easily or naturally

  • needed canes to walk

  • never became universal but wealthy families and some peasant families did information technology to raise their attractiveness and gain control over the girls' behavior.

  • like to veiling women in Mediterranean and Muslim lands

Technological advancement


  • porcelain

    • diffused chop-chop andspread to Abbasid craft workers

    • chinese exported vast quantities of porcelain

    • fine porcelin has come up to generally be known equally chinaware

  • Metallurgy

    • increased 10 times from ninth to 12th centuries

    • increased supply of iron and steel went into weaponry and agricultural tools

  • Gunpowder

    • 10th century

    • Daoist alchemists discovered how to make gunpowder during the Tang dynasty

    • limited armed services effectiveness

    • diffused through Eurasia

  • Press

    • made information technology possible to produce texts quickly, cheaply, and in huge quantities

    • developed from wood blocks to movable type

  • naval technology

    • chinese seafarers sailed ships attached with fe nails, waterproofed with oils, furnished wiht watertight bulkheads, driven by canvas and bamboo sails, steered by rudders, and navigated with the assistance of the "s pointed needle" aka the magnetic compass

    • magnetic compass shortly became the common belongings of mariners throughout the Indian Ocean basin

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Aboukhadijeh, Feross. "Chapter 14 Key terms" Study Notes, LLC., 09 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2022. <https://world wide>.

Chapter 14 Reading Guide Ap World History
