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How to Introduce a Baby Kitten to an Older Cat

Are yous planning to innovate a cuddly new bundle of fluff to your older, wiser kitty? Earlier making any introductions there are a few things to consider - your kitties can be territorial, and may non immediately welcome a new and unfamiliar cat in their environment!

Luckily in that location are things you tin do to reduce whatsoever stress and brand introductions more than enjoyable!

Earlier you make whatsoever kitty introductions...

Before y'all introduce a second cat to your home, there's lots to think about - including whether calculation a new kitten is the right thing to do!

Remember that cats are naturally solitary animals and, particularly if your resident cat is older, information technology may be scary to encounter a new bouncy feline entering their territory or scooting under the sofa to play hide and seek. If yous choose to innovate a new pet, don't let their start encounter be stressful! Instead, brand a gradual introduction, giving each time to get used to the other'due south olfactory property.

Is your new pussycat is going to be a lap true cat or an contained cat? Try to become an idea of your new kitty's personality earlier it arrives in its new home - you will probably be able to sense this by watching them while they're nevertheless with their feline brothers and sisters. Your new bundle of joy may be very lively when playing, or may sit back and watch all the antics going on! Ideally, your new kitty should be smaller, of the opposite gender and exist similarly agile every bit your resident cat.

ginger cat lick other cat's face


1. Beginning to prepare before the kitten arrives

When the big day comes and you lot bring your kitten domicile, it may be tempting to introduce both kitties straightaway, merely concord off! Information technology's important to proceed both pussycats split for a while then they can arrange to the scent of a new cat. A good way to do this is to create individual, separate areas for each cat in the house. Each kitty will need their own toys, bed, litter box and food bowls, so make sure you're prepared.

2. Introduce your cats by scent starting time

Encourage your senior cat to spend time in a separate room while you lot introduce your new kitten to the new surround. Your new kitty volition quickly pick upwards on the smells around the house and know there's some other feline in residence. Y'all can then bandy them around, allowing the senior cat to wander around and, in turn, smell the new kitten's odour.

Remember to praise and reward both cats while they are learning that there's another 'kit on the cake'!

3. Let them see each other

Footstep two of your pussycats' introduction is visual contact! Before letting your furry friends loose in a room together, separate them past a screen or a gap in the door. Allow them to see each other gently - when comfortable with each other they will sniff noses or rub against the door. This is your cue to allow them meet face to face!

four. Support a calm, patient introduction

When your pets are set to meet face up to face, ever exist as calm and patient as possible! Remember that your resident cat needs to acquire to share their territory and accept the new kitten. Older cats may as well be less tolerant, then introductions should exist very brusque initially before gradually increasing their fourth dimension together.

On the other hand, the new kitten might be very skittish and want to explore, regardless of what the resident true cat thinks! Ever keeping an eye both cat's trunk language. At that place may exist some hissing at commencement, but be set to step in if they start to fight!

5. Give treats

Don't be surprised if your kitties don't accept each other straight abroad. These things take time! To encourage bonding, you can utilize treats and encourage play when they act calmly and seem happy in each others company. Exist certain to pet and praise your senior true cat more often at this phase. Reassure them that they are not being replaced only instead are beingness given a new companion!

6. Watch how your pets react

Even later your pets seem comfortable with each other, keep an eye on them - in that location's no guarantee that your cats will bond immediately. Watch for signs of stress and anxiety - decreased appetite, hiding for long periods of time, vocalising, hostile actions or whatsoever unusual traits that continue for more than a few days may demand to be investigated further!

Senior cats might react by sleeping in unusual places or not eating and drinking normally. Make sure your true cat can access their litter box easily and that their normal leave routes are always available. It'southward besides important to bank check that your older cat'due south eating and drinking habits accept not changed - senior cats are prone to dehydration, and with a new feline friend joining their territory, they may not drink every bit regularly as before. If you are at all concerned about your cat, it's wise to consider speaking to your vet.

7. Keep to a schedule to minimise stress

Cats like routine! Assistance your pet through this transition by keeping to a schedule for play time, feeding time and sleep time. Your resident cat's schedule should not change but considering she has a new companion. Keeping to the same routine will help your new kitty settle in, and minimise the stress of modify for your resident cat.


Odour is one of the most valuable advice tools used past cats, and using FELIWAY Archetype Spray can assistance when introducing new cats.FELIWAYArchetypecan be sprayed onto a clean piece of fabric and left in your pet'due south safe area; creating odorless happy messages that help your cat experience comfy, secure and relaxed in their new home!

How to Introduce a Baby Kitten to an Older Cat
